Thursday 9 May 2019

How I showed my mum some Norway, part 2

This is part 2 of a trip report. Part 1 can be found here.

I left part 1 off at a point where we, two unprepared tourists, had just climbed up and down a considerable mountain and still had the 2nd half of the day ahead of us. We were somewhat exhausted, but also glad we had chosen to go ahead and do it, and quite proud of ourselves. Afterall, we both grew up used to landscapes flatter than an ironing board; even if I have now lived in hillier countries for a few years and taken good advantage of it, I still hadn't done anything quite up to that scale. But now I definitely dare to say that I hope that this is just the start and that I'd certainly like to be scaling more impressive peaks soon.

Now, before I get to what happened next, here's some more music to enjoy, as promised.

Saturday 4 May 2019

How I showed my mum some Norway, part 1

As anyone who has been watching my social media would notice, I recently did some travelling. Of course, I'm generally on the move a lot, but the trip I'm referring to now was an outlier in many ways. For example, I've rarely ever felt so mad excited (and afterwards, satisfied) about a trip that didn't even involve crossing a single international border - at least, not for me. While I've never minded domestic travelling, it has never been quite as special as going to another country; but of course, now that I live in Norway, a world-class tourist destination, I dare to say that rule can be rewritten. However, my mother, who was my travel companion this time around had to cross a couple of borders to get here; in fact, this trip was a surprise-present from me to her.

Throughout the whole planning and waiting stage that lasted for about two months, it felt like the most ridiculous idea ever. It was also somewhat tricky to find the perfect balance between all the ideas I had and constrictions of time, budget and eventually, energy. Thankfully, I managed to concoct a plan I was and still am extremely satisfied with, which ended up (not quite intentionally) having many similarities to a part of my first ever trip to Norway that Sverre organised for me. One of the similarities being that the two trips were just a day or two (depending on what part you look at) away from being exactly three years apart. Anyway, the blog post about the similar part of my first trip can be found here, should you fancy running a comparison. In any case, even if I had been through most of this before, it still proved to be quite a lot of new and exciting experiences for me, let alone for my mother to whom all of this was new.

26th of April, 2016. The weather was actually lovelier that day, but it had generally been colder that spring, which meant more snow in the mountains and mostly frozen waterfalls.
25th of April, 2019. The weather was mostly overcast, and I couldn't really retake the photo quite as far out on the pier as I had in 2016, because there was a small ship parked there all day and she would've covered up most of the background. 

Now, those who have been reading my old blog(s) for years, know that I'd sometimes give some music to accompany my posts. Heck, this is probably going to be a bit of a read, so you may as well buckle up, and if you wish for something to enhance the mood, enjoy this.